Child Welfare/Adult Protection
Essential Baby Supplies
The Colorado Office of Early Childhood has received baby supplies from FEMA. Essential baby supplies, including formula, diapers and baby wipes, are being distributed to local Family Resource Centers and food banks throughout Colorado. These regional locations will help arrange the distribution of supplies to child care providers and families in need. If you are in need of these items, please click here to find the contact information for the local distribution site closest to you.
Food Banks
Metro CareRing 303-860-7200
Food Bank of the Rockies 303-371-9250
Broadway Assistance Center 303-893-4108
Church In The City 303-322-5733
Gathering Place 303-321-4198 (clothing, day shelter, food bank)
Jewish Family Service of Co. 303-597-5000 (call-beginning of the month-food, bank, & rent assistance)
Warren Village 303-321-2345 (Must have GED and/or HS diploma)
Urban Peak 303-974-2954
Joy House-Providence Network 303-863-8368 (Women, children D/V)
Stride 303-238-3580 (Low income families w/children)
Trees of Americana 303-298-8993 (Teen moms)
Family Homestead 303-623-6514
Decatur Place 303-893-2718
Denver Rescue Mission 303-297-1815
VOA Transitional Housing 303-297-7758
Joshua Station 303-592-1555 (site to view affordable apartments)
Treasure Trunk 303-421-9205 (furniture, clothes)
Wishing Well 303-892-5594 (furniture, household, referral needed)
Little Flower Center 303-360-9686
Broadway Asst. Center 303-893-4108
St. Vincent DePaul Store 303-388-3315
Crisis Line
Intervention Inc. 303-577-3222
Suicide Hot Line 303-795-6187 (Arapahoe/Douglas County Mental Health Network)
Colo. Youth Suicide Hot Line 303-860-1200
Homeless Shelters
Coalition for the Homeless 303-293-2217 (Transitional Housing)
Delores Project 303-534-5411 (Overnight emergency shelter for women)
Gathering Place 303-321-4198 (clothing, day shelter, food bank)
Urban Peak 303-974-2908
Samaritan House 303-294-0241 (Individuals and Families) 21+ for women shelter
Center of Hope 303-935-1276
Comitis Crisis Center 303-343-9890 (Aurora)
Sacred Heart 303-296-6686 (21+)
Fr. Ed Judy House 303-866-7641
Champa House 303-294-9961 (Denver Rescue Mission)
Brandon Safe Haven 303-620-9190 (Serving single women with disabilities)
Gift of Mary 303-860-8040
Mental Health
MHCD 303-504-1900
Emerson St. (MHCD) 303-504-3988 (Gen. Info.) or 303-504-7900 (Sched. Appointment)
Denver Health 303-602-7221 (Psych Emergency)
Second Wind 303-988-2645 (Suicide Risk)
Community Reach Center 303-853-3500 (24/7 Crisis Support)
University of Colorado at Denver 303-315-7270 (Free Intake / $5 per session for DPS students)
Denver University 303-871-2205
Savio House 303-225-4100
Circle Program 1-719-546-4792 (Pueblo, Co. – Treatment for co-occurring disorders)
Clinica Tepeyac 303-458-5302 (Spanish speaking counselors)
Judi’s House 720-941-0331 (Free-Grief Counseling and Groups) Youth 3-25 years
Denver Indian Family Resource Center 720-500-1020
The Blue Bench 303-322-7273 (Former RAAP sexual assault support)
Jewish Family Service of 303-597-5000 Mental Health Support
Substance Use
Arapahoe House 303-657-3700
Alcoholics Anonymous 303-322-4440
Narcotics Anonymous 303-832-3784
Denver Area Youth Services 303-302-3297
STEPS program at Denver Health 303-602-1897 (up to 21 years-old)
Health Care
Clinica Tepeyac 303-458-5302
Stout Street Clinic 303-293-2220
Denver Public Schools Medicaid 720-423-2636
Denver Rescue Mission 303-294-0157
Eastside Health Center 303-436-4600
Westside Health Clinic 303-436-4200
Inner City Health Clinic 303-296-1767
CICP 303-866-2993 (Dept. Health Care)
Planned Parenthood of the Rockies 303-321-7526
Gay Lesbian Bi-sexual Transgender 1-866-488-7386
One Colorado 303-396-6170 x-103 (Safe Schools)
Rainbow Alley 303-831-0442
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) – Emily Griffith High School (meets weekly, speak with your school social worker)
Domestic Violence / Safe House
Crisis Line 303-953-5930 (3131 W. 14th Ave. 80204)
Project Pave 303-322-2382
Safe House 303-318-9989
Conflict Center 303-433-4983
Savio House 303-225-4100
Young Parents
Teen Parent Group @ 720-423-4943 See Mr. Garcia, room 325C (School Social Worker)
Emily Griffith High School
Alternatives 303-295-2288 (diapers)
Women, Infants & Children (WIC) 303-361-6010 (Free dairy and produce for families)
Hope House 303-429-1012 (Residential program for Teen Moms)
Child-Support Enforcement Hotline 877-696-6775 (
Child Care Assistance Program 720-944-5437 (CCAP Denver)
Rent, Eviction, Immigration Assistance 303-742-0828 Catholic Charities Free student clothing
Birth Certificates 303-692-2000 Colo. Dept. of Public Health
Social Security Administration 1-800-772-1213
Colorado Legal Aid 303-837-1321
Food boxes, diapers & formula, 303-355-4896 Denver Urban Ministries
employment service & ID assistance
Utility Assistance 303-825-8750 Energy Outreach Colorado
Birth Control, STD testing, condoms, 720-777-2248 Birth Control 4 You
pregnancy testing, exams)
DDHS 720-944-3666
1x Rent Assistance (303) 831-7010 x221 St. Vincent DePaul Society
State I.D./Driver’s License (303) 292-1556 Holy Ghost Church